Created and filmed during the Summer/Fall of the 2020 Pandemic, Stories_ is an Instragram musical web series created by The Theater Bug and MA2LA. Each 10-20 minute features a brand new song and music video, as well as a glimpse into the stories of different young people as told through their Instagram stories. Each episode premiered through the Stories Instagram page @westview_birdhouse and is available to purchase widescreen on The Theater Bug Vimeo. The show addresses the big and small things affecting today's youth, set on the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic. MA2LA produced, filmed and edited all the music videos with Laura co-directing the videos for episode 1 through 4 as well as created the entirety of the designed content from logo to social graphics and additional art. Additionally the music tracks were all created by Tony and arranged by Tony and Laura with vocals recorded by Matt Maher. Original songs written by Cori and Tyson Laemmel.